I was very honoured to receive this award from the my friend Shazza . Her Blogs just fabby. well
You have to answer the following questions with just one word and then pass the award onto 5 others. You need to visit their blog to let them know,Here goes: but me being me can not think of who to pass it on to, so sorry all my friends deserve this award xx
1. Where is yourcell phone? … Hallway
2. Your hair? …dyed
3. Your mother?…british
4. Your father?… british
5. Your favourite food? …chocolate
6. Your dream last night?… none
7. Your favourite drink? … tea
8. Your dream/goal?… craftroom
9. What room are you in?… bedroom
10. Your hobby?… Crafting
11. Your fear?…death
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?… here
13. Where were you last night? … home
14. Something that you’re aren’t?…rich
15. Muffins?…chip
16. Wish list item? … craftroom
17. Where did you grow up? … cooling
18. Last thing you did?…phone-call
19. What are you wearing?…leggings
20. Your TV?… downstairs
21. Your Pets?…dog
22. Friends? …brilliant
23. Your life?… busy
24. Your mood?…happy
25. Missing Someone?… dad
26. vehicle?… kia
27. Something your not wearing?…slippers
28. Your favourite store? …lush
29. Your favourite colour?…none
30. When was the last time you laughed?…today
31. Last time you cried?…can't remember
32. Your best friend?… all
33. One place that I go to over and over? …computer
34. Facebook?… no
35. Favourite place to eat?…spanish
great stuff Andrea, lots of similar answers to mine :0)
Fabulous award Andrea here is another little something for you on my blog x
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